Sustainability in Action (SiA) is a Non-Government, Non-Profit, Non-Religious, and Non-Political Organization Registered in Tanzanian Mainland with Registration Number 00NGO/R/1920. Read more…


A Community with Sustainable Environmental, Social and Economic Development.


To enable the community to achieve sustainable development through sustainable agriculture, social-economic development and environmental conservation initiatives.

SiA focuses on enabling the community to achieve sustainable community development through environmental, agricultural and social-economic initiatives. Read more…

Organization Objectives

1. Promote innovation of social and economic community development initiatives for sustainable development

2. Facilitate the linkage between farmers, agro-dealers, input suppliers and agriculture institutions

3. Promote social and economic practices which are environmentally friendly

4. Promote best practices in resource utilization for sustainable development


➠ SiA developed Strategic goals that aim to facilitate the achievement of SiA Vision, Mission and Objectives.

➠ Then basing on the Strategic goal, SiA is currently implementing programmes. Read more about programmes…

➠ From SiA Programmes Various projects are developed.

➠ Then SiA activities are derived from SiA Projects.



SiA is open for Strategic, Corporate, Technical, and Grassroots partnerships. SiA is interested in partners who want to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. SiA is also open for Partnership in Joint Researches and joint implementation of Community Development Projects.

For more information please contact SiA Administration Department via

Current Partners and Donors

SiA Partnership Options

SiA operates in the following kinds of partnerships;

Strategic Partners

For partners interested in joint project implementation.

Corporate Partners

For corporate Organizations/companies.

Technical Partners

For technical experts like researchers and other environment and community development experts.

Grassroot Partners

For people and local groups at grassroots level.